Christmas 2013

2013 December 26

Created by Jack 9 years ago
Jack and I have just had our first Christmas without you. Needless to say your presence has been greatly missed and it just doesn't seem right without you. However, we've celebrated with a house full this morning as you'd expect and then with nana and grandpa,Simon and Chris for lunch. Jack has grown up all of a sudden and your spirit lives on in him - he is full of character. He is a very lucky boy to have had such a wonderfully natural mummy to set him out in life and likewise myself to have had you as a partner. Our time together as a family was shortlived but our happy memories are there forever and Jack will be told by everyone who knew you what a loving, caring and selfless mummy you were to him. We look forward to the new year and Jack's second birthday as you would have done. Thinking of you always, lots of love, Adrian & Jack.xxxx