9 Years On

2021 January 06

Created by Diane Heyes 3 years ago

Jack's birthday was so different this year Donna with the pandemic. He wanted a barbeque in the hut, so thats what we did. Just Nana, Grandpa, Daddy, Grandad and Jack of course. No family or friends gathering at the Anchor this year or having Alison's Hotpot. So different Donna, but its the way it is at the moment, no mixing. We had a good night and Jack got lots of presents. Daddy made a delicious snooker cake and I got him a birthday balloon. 2 photos on for you. Jack's birthday is a happy and sad time. It takes me back to when he was born. You and Adrian were so happy. We were so overjoyed to be grandparents for the first time and everyone was so happy for us all. Little did we know that you would be taken from us when Jack was only 15 months old. Its heartbreaking Donna, but we carry on, missing you so much.

I miss you Donna and always will.

Love you Forever. Mum xxxxx
